What Temperature Is Stoneware Clay Fired At? (Discover The Ideal Firing Temperature)




Are you wondering what temperature to fire your stoneware clay at? Well, you have come to the right place! Discovering the ideal firing temperature is a crucial step in the pottery process, and it can greatly change the end result of your creations.

What Temperature Is Stoneware Clay Fired At

The short answer is: Stoneware clay is typically fired at high temperatures, ranging from 2,100 to 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit (1,150 to 1,260 degrees Celsius).

In this article, I will discuss with you factors influencing stoneware clay firing temperatures, the optimal firing range for stoneware clay, and so many other  things. So, let’s dive right in!

 What Temperature Is Stoneware Clay Fired At?

Stoneware Clay is a type of ceramic material. Stoneware clay is made naturally in the soil used in pottery. We all are confused about what temperature to fire clay or What is stoneware clay fired at. Stoneware clay is especially used for dinnerware.

Temperature Is Stoneware Clay Fired At

Stoneware clay is typically fired at temperatures ranging from 2,100 to 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit (1,150 to 1,260 degrees Celsius).

Factors Influencing Stoneware Clay Firing Temperatures

Several factors influence the firing temperature of stoneware clay. Here are most of them:

Factors Influencing Stoneware Clay Firing Temperatures

1. Clay Composition 

The type of clay used in stoneware can significantly affect the firing temperature. Because different clays have different mineral compositions.

2. Kiln Type 

The type of kiln used can also affect the firing temperature. Electric kilns, gas kilns, and wood-fired kilns all produce different heat levels and atmospheres that can impact the final result.

3. Firing Atmosphere 

The atmosphere inside the kiln during firing can affect not only the color but also the clay body.

4. Glaze Used 

There are many types of glaze. Some glazes require high fire clay temperature to adjust properly, while others need lower temperatures.

5. Firing Speed 

How quickly or slowly a kiln is heated and cooled affects clay bodies and pottery glazes.

6. Clay Body Thickness 

Thicker pieces require longer firing times at higher temperatures to ensure them without causing cracking or warping.

7. Desired Finish 

The final look of a pottery piece can determine its firing temperature. Because some finishes may need a lower firing suppose ‘bisque’ firing, some are higher.  

8. Moisture Content In Clay Body: 

If there’s too much moisture in your clay body when it goes into the kiln, it could cause cracking.      

9. Test Firings 

Sometimes potters test firings with small samples to determine specific clays and glazes.

  • The Optimal Firing Range For Stoneware Clay

A silly question among us that is do you have to fire stoneware clay? The answer is obviously yes, The optimal firing range for stoneware clay is typically pottery kiln temperature Celsius (1186 to 1283 degrees Celsius)2165 to 2336 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Optimal Firing Range For Stoneware Clay


Clay vitrifies refers to the process in which the clay body transforms into a glass-like substance. For stoneware, this usually occurs at temperatures above 2192 degrees Fahrenheit (1200 degrees Celsius).

Strength And Durability 

Stoneware fired at these high temperatures becomes very strong and durable due to vitrification. As a result hard, non-porous, and resistant to chipping or breaking. It can withstand everyday use as well as extreme conditions like freezing or intense heat.

Color Development 

The color of fired stoneware bodies clay depends on several factors, including the composition of the clay body, any glazes applied, and even atmospheric conditions within the kiln during firing.

Generally, unglazed stoneware had earthy tones. Glazes can add a wide variety of colors.

The Role Of Temperature In Stoneware Clay Firing Process

The role of temperature in the stoneware clay firing process is crucial as it directly affects the final outcome of the pottery. what temperature does stoneware fired at depends so many things such as:

The Role Of Temperature In Stoneware Clay Firing Process

1. Bisque Firing 

This is the first stage where stoneware clay is heated slowly. Now the question is What temperature do you bisque fire stoneware? Bisque fire temperature between 1000°C to 1200°C (1832°F – 2192°F). This process helps to remove all physical and chemical water present in the clay, making it less fragile for glazing. 

2. Glaze Firings 

After  bisque temperatures, a layer of glaze is applied to the stonewere, which needs another round of heating. The temperature for this stage ranges from 1200°C – 1300°C (2192°F -2372°F). At these high temperatures, glazes melt and adhere to the surface.AS a result creating a smooth, glassy waterproof surface.

3. Maturation Point 

Each type of clay has a specific maturation point firing temperature for– strength, durability, absorption rate, etc. For stoneware clays, this typically falls between the  temperature range 1200-1300 °C (2192-2372 °F).

4. Over-firing & Under-firing 

We all know already the answer to the question that is: Is stoneware low fire or high fire? Although stoneware needs to fire at high temperatures firing and firing those are harmful.

Over-firing can cause warping or melting as clays cannot withstand excessive heat beyond. Under-fired pottery will not be fully vitrified leading to weak pieces that may absorb water.

5. Cooling Process 

After reaching desired temperatures, cooling is a must because cooling could lead to thermal shock, causing cracks in pottery.

6. Temperature Uniformity 

If some areas are hotter than others, it can lead to uneven firing causing cracks.

  • How To Achieve Desired Results? Controlling Firing Temperature In Stoneware Clay

Here are some tips:

1. Understand The Basics 

The first step is to understand the basics of stoneware clay and its firing temperature. Stoneware clay typically fires at temperatures between 2167 – 2336 degrees Fahrenheit (1186 – 1283 degrees Celsius). 

2. Choose The Right Clay 

Different types of clay and firing temperatures have different firing temperatures, so it’s important to choose a type that suits your needs. 

For example, some clays are more suitable for high-temperature firing while others are better for low-temperature firing.

3. Use A Kiln 

A kiln is an oven used to fire or bake clay, and it allows you to control the temperature precisely. Make sure you have a good-quality kiln.

4. Monitor Temperature 

Use a pyrometer or kiln sitter to monitor the temperature inside the kiln during the firing process.

5. Gradual Heating 

Start with a low fire clay temperature setting and gradually increase it over time until you reach your desired temperature.

6. Soak Time 

Once you’ve reached your target temperature, maintain this heat level for a certain period known as “soak time.”.

7. Cooling Down Process 

After reaching peak temperature, allow pieces in the kiln to cool down slowly. Which helps prevent cracking or breaking due to thermal shock.

8. Test Firing 

Always do test firings with new clays or glazes before starting larger pieces.

9. Maintain Records 

Keep records of each firing, including details like the type of clay used, exact temperatures reached, soak times, etc., which will help refine future firings.   

10. Experimentation 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques until you find what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Earthenware Glaze Firing Temperature?

Earthenware is typically glazed and fired at lower temperatures, generally ranging from 1,800 to 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit (980 to 1,150 degrees Celsius).

Porcelain Firing Temperature?

porcelain clays is typically fired at high temperatures, ranging from 2,200 to 2,600 degrees Fahrenheit (1,200 to 1,430 degrees Celsius), depending on the specific type of porcelain and desired characteristics.

What Temperature Is Earthenware Clay Fired At

Earthenware clay is typically fired at lower temperatures, ranging from about 1,800 to 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit (980 to 1,150 degrees Celsius).

Can You Fire Stoneware Clay In An Oven?

Firing stoneware clay in a regular home oven is not recommended. Stoneware clay requires high temperatures, typically ranging from 2,100 to 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit (1,150 to 1,260 degrees Celsius).

What Temperature Is Pottery Fired At?

Pottery is fired at high temperatures, typically ranging from 1,800 to 2,300 degrees Fahrenheit (980 to 1,260 degrees Celsius), depending on the type of clay.


After reading the whole article hopefully it is clear to define what temperature is stoneware clay fired at. Perfect fire gives your project an aesthetic look and also gives longevity the important thing is if you already know about firing it will earn your house and you will go up. So, What are you waiting for? Start your new project today. And comment us your experience.

About the author

Written By

William Prince

William Prince

Meet William Prince!

With over 20 years of ceramic artistry experience, William Prince is not just a skilled potter; he’s a passionate guide to your pottery journey. William holds a Fine Arts degree specialized in pottery and he was also nurtured under the guidance of renowned potters. With over two decades of experience, he seamlessly blends tradition with contemporary aesthetics.

William’s inspiration stems from nature’s imperfections, translating them into unique, organic pottery pieces. As a patient and warm-hearted teacher, he’s known for conducting pottery workshops and classes, nurturing talents with his expertise. Join William on “fishingflora.com” and let his mastery inspire your own pottery adventure. Uncover the magic of crafting pottery with a trusted mentor who’s dedicated to both the art and the artist.

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